Friday, January 15, 2010

Eminescu- a soul to nowhere belonging

Astazi, 15 ianuarie 2010, se implinesc 160 de ani de la nasterea lui Eminescu.
Sau 160 de ani de posteritate. Sau de singuratate.

I little thought that I would learn to die;
Forever young, enveloped in my cloak,
My dreaming eyes I lifted to the star
Of solitude.

When of a sudden you stood in my way,
On, anguish you, of nameless suffering sweet...
And to the dregs I dank the draught of death

Miserably I burn alive like Nessus,
Or Hercules wrapped in his poisoned cloak;
The fire in me the boundless sea itself
Could never quench.

By my own dreams consumed, I endless wail;
At my own pile I am consumed in flame,
Shall I then luminous one day return
As does the Phoenix?

Tormenting eyes but vanish from my way,
Come to my breast again sad unconcern;
That I may die in peace at last, myself
Give back to me.
ODE (in antique metre) . Eminescu

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