Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Painted Bird - Kosinski

Pentru o clipă păsările erau confuze. Pasărea vopsită zbura de la un capăt al stolului la celălalt, încercând în zadar să-şi convingă rudele că era unul de-al lor. Însă orbite de culorile strălucitoare, păsările se învârteau în jurul ei nehotărâte. Pasărea vopsită era împinsă din ce în ce mai departe pe măsură ce aceasta încerca zeloasă să intre în rândurile stolului. Curând după aceasta, una după alta, păsările o atacau sălbatic smulgându-i penele.

For the moment the birds were confused. Painted bird fly from one end of the flock to another, trying in vain to convince his relatives that he was one of them. But blinded by bright colors, birds revolves around her indefinite. Painted bird was pushed ever further as it tries to enter the ranks flock. Soon thereafter, one after another, one attacking wild birds pulling feathers.

Jerzy Kosinski/ The Painted Bird
tags: the moral metabolism of society, man fears , persecuted children, War World II, individual liberty, Holocaust, extreme violence
Va recomand : Jerzy Kosinski - Pasarea Vopsita

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

World’s End - Pablo Neruda

It is our heavy epoch,
the age of iron paws,
the bloody and circular century,
and we must recognize
the wheels of the Apocalypse.
After all, they did not serve us,
the fragile human towers,
everything was soft and breakable,
any painting may be riddled with holes,
a sonata does not defend us,
the books burn and pass on.

(Death of a Journalist)
World’s End - Pablo Neruda

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring Thoughts - The Verve

Does anybody know where we really gonna go
I was looking for answers in the sun
Here are feelings that a man can't control
I was wondering if we've gotta have real soul
You know the thing we cannot trade, or ever own...
I took a step to the left
I took a step to the right
And I saw myself
And it wasn't quite right yeah,
..... slip to the dreams
Slippin out, slippin in and out of the dream...
Lyrics: Appalachian Springs, The Verve

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